Tuesday, February 27, 2018

[Troubleshooting] How To Fix Roundcube SMTP Error (550): Failed to set sender

Permasalahan ini saya alami pertama kali pada panel hosting VestaCP dengan sistem operasi Centos 6.x. berdampak pada tidak bisanya melakukan pengiriman pesan melalui mail roundcube dengan pesan error "Roundcube SMTP Error (550): Failed to set sender"

1) Buka File : config.inc.php
Path: :

2) Tambahkan Baris Berikut :
$config['smtp_helo_host'] = 'localhost';

3) Simpan dan restart service : exim, dovecot, spamassassin , clamd

Selamat mencoba !.

I am a fan of technology and i love coffee. I’m also interested in web programming and networking. below there are some accounts you can follow to contact me.
